TAF priority point opportunities
LSU Athletics and TAF implemented the priority points system to fairly distribute LSU Athletics tickets by recognizing donors' commitment to LSU Athletics through TAF and other TAF affiliated organizations. We have outlined each of our fundraising priorities below with the corresponding point value awarded for gifts to each area. Points are accrued for all donations upon receipt by the Tiger Athletic Foundation.
To learn more about priority points and how they function based off your giving, please visit our website HERE.
Point Multiplier: 6 points per $1,000
Earn 6 points per $1,000 for donations towards a pledge of $100,000 or more to The Oaks. This includes the following funds: Capital Projects, the AD’s Excellence Fund, and Scholarship Endowment. (pledged over a 5-year period).
Point Multiplier 5 points per $1,000
Earn 5 points per $1,000 for donations towards a pledge of $25,000 - $99,999 to The Oaks. This includes the following funds: Capital Projects, the AD’s Excellence Fund, and Scholarship Endowment (pledged over a 5-year period).
Point Multiplier: 4 points per $1,000
Earn 4 points per $1,000 for all Team TAF annual fund contributions. All contributions toward Team TAF are tax deductible and go to assist in covering the annual scholarship bill to support our more than 450 LSU student-athletes.
Point Multiplier: 2 points per $1,000
Earn 2 points per $1,000 for gifts to any TAF philanthropic programs (not including Team TAF) outside of a 5-year pledge. This also includes all sport specific Booster Clubs and Excellence Funds.
Point Multiplier: 1 point per $1,000
Earn 1 point per $1,000 for any Tradition Fund, TAF Premium Seating Contributions, and Collegiate Club & Recent Grad Members. Points from ticket related contributions are included in lifetime giving total only. Earn 1 point per $1,000 for gifts to LSU and TAF affiliated organizations.